We make life easier by offering flexible, affordable and convenient support in the home
Durbanville, Cape Town
South Africa
+27 79 205 2710
Monday - Friday
8.00 - 18.00

Our In-Home Support Services

Providing Companionship, Safety, and Quality of Life for Elderly Loved Ones

As our loved ones age, we may notice physical and mental changes that make daily life more challenging for them. This can affect their mobility, memory, and overall health, and may lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. That’s where in-home support services come in.

At Catkin Companions, we are a leading provider of in-home support services, offering practical support in and around the home to promote companionship, safety, and quality of life for elderly loved ones. Our team understands the unique needs of seniors and provides personalized services to meet those needs.

Companionship is a vital aspect of elderly support. We provide emotional support and help seniors stay engaged with their interests and hobbies. We can also assist with assisted travel, essential and non-essential shopping, light housekeeping and ensuring that our clients’ homes are safe and comfortable.

Safety and security are also essential for seniors. Our services ensure that our clients have a safe living environment, free from hazards that may cause falls or accidents. We can also provide transportation and accompaniment to appointments, errands, and social events, ensuring that our clients remain connected to their communities.

Quality of life is another critical aspect of in-home support services. We help our clients maintain their independence and dignity by promoting healthy living and providing assistance with practical home needs. We can also offer telephone friendship and socialization, which can help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation.

We provide practical support to help seniors maintain a high quality of life.

Our in-home support services can also provide respite for family members who are caring for their loved ones. Caring for an elderly loved one can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and family caregivers may need a break to rest and recharge. With in-home support services from Catkin Companions, family members can take a break and trust that their loved one is in good hands.

Catkin Companions’ in-home support services offer a range of benefits for elderly loved ones, including companionship, safety, quality of life, specialized support, and respite for family members. With our practical and personalized approach, seniors can receive the support they need to age gracefully and maintain their independence. If you have an elderly loved one who could benefit from in-home support services, contact us today.

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