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South Africa
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Reducing the Risk of Falls for Older Adults – Easy-to-Follow Preventative Measures

Falls pose a significant concern across all age groups, but they are especially worrisome for older adults residing in South Africa. According to data sourced from the South African Medical Research Council, falls rank as the second leading cause of accidental fatalities among individuals aged 65 and above.

The good news is that there are practical actions you can adopt to avert falls and ensure the safety of yourself and your cherished ones.

Prioritize home safety: Thoroughly illuminate your living space and eliminate potential tripping obstacles like loose rugs and dangling cords. Enhance safety by installing handrails on staircases and in bathrooms to reduce the chances of slips and tumbles.

Stay physically active: Engaging in regular physical activity can enhance balance, coordination, and strength, all of which play a pivotal role in fall prevention. Explore the option of joining a local exercise class or incorporating a daily stroll into your routine.

Select suitable footwear: Opt for well-fitting shoes that offer ample support and feature non-slip soles. Steer clear of walking around in socks or slippers, which can increase the likelihood of accidents.

Undergo regular eye examinations: Diminished vision elevates the risk of falls. Ensure you schedule routine eye check-ups and adhere to the recommended use of glasses or contact lenses.

Assess your medication: Certain medications might induce dizziness or faintness, thereby heightening the risk of falls. Initiate a conversation with your physician or pharmacist regarding possible side effects and explore adjustments to your medication regimen as deemed necessary.

By embracing these measures, you can actively thwart falls and safeguard both yourself and your loved ones. It’s vital to acknowledge that falls can befall anyone; however, with the implementation of a handful of straightforward precautions, you can curtail the risk and savor a more secure and vibrant lifestyle.

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