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South Africa
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Aging with dignity shouldn’t be a stroke of luck

Aging with dignity should be a right, not a privilege. It means being able to live out the later years of life in a way that is safe, healthy, and respectful. It means having access to the resources and support needed to maintain independence, autonomy, and well-being.

However, for too many people, aging with dignity is a stroke of luck. This is especially true for marginalized communities, such as people of color, low-income individuals, and LGBTQ+ elders. These communities are more likely to face economic insecurity, lack access to quality healthcare, and experience discrimination.

There are a number of things that can be done to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to age with dignity. These include:

Expanding access to affordable healthcare and long-term care. This includes Medicare for All and Medicaid expansion.

Investing in community-based services and supports. This includes affordable housing, transportation, and meal delivery programs.

Strengthening economic security for older adults. This includes raising Social Security benefits and expanding access to retirement savings programs.

Combating ageism and discrimination. This includes educating the public about the rights of older adults and promoting inclusive communities.

We also need to change the way we think about aging. Aging is a natural part of life, and it should be celebrated. We should support older adults to remain active and engaged members of society. We should also create environments that are welcoming and accessible to people of all ages.

Here are some specific examples of what can be done to make aging with dignity a reality for everyone:

Provide more affordable housing options for older adults. Many older adults are on fixed incomes and find it difficult to afford housing. This can lead to homelessness or the need to move in with family or friends, which can be disruptive and isolating.

Expand access to transportation for older adults. Many older adults do not have access to reliable transportation, which can make it difficult to get to doctor’s appointments, grocery stores, and other essential services.

Make communities more age-friendly. This includes making sidewalks and public spaces more accessible, improving public transportation, and providing more opportunities for older adults to socialize and participate in community activities.

Change the way we think about aging. We need to challenge ageist stereotypes and promote positive images of older adults. We also need to celebrate the contributions that older adults make to our society.

Aging with dignity is a right, not a privilege. By taking steps to address the challenges that older adults face, we can create a society where everyone has the opportunity to live out their later years in a way that is safe, healthy, and respectful.

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