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Durbanville, Cape Town
South Africa
+27 79 205 2710
Monday - Friday
8.00 - 18.00

Reducing the Risk of Falls for Older Adults

Easy-to-Follow Preventative Measures

Falls are a significant concern for people of all ages, but particularly for older adults in South Africa. According to statistics from the South African Medical Research Council, falls are the second leading cause of accidental death in adults over the age of 65. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent falls and keep yourself or your loved ones safe.

  1. Keep your home safe: Make sure your home is well-lit, and remove any tripping hazards, such as loose rugs or electrical cords. Install handrails on stairs and in the bathroom to help prevent slips and falls.
  2. Stay active: Regular physical activity can improve balance, coordination, and strength, which are all essential for preventing falls. Consider joining a local exercise class or taking a daily walk.
  3. Wear appropriate shoes: Choose shoes that fit well, provide good support, and have non-slip soles. Avoid walking around in socks or slippers.
  4. Get your eyes checked: Poor vision can increase the risk of falls. Make sure to have your eyes checked regularly and wear glasses or contacts as prescribed.
  5. Review your medication: Some medications can cause dizziness or lightheadedness, which can increase the risk of falls. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about any side effects and adjust your medication as necessary.

By taking these steps, you can help prevent falls and keep yourself or your loved ones safe. It’s important to remember that falls can happen to anyone, but with a few simple precautions, you can reduce the risk and enjoy a safer, more active lifestyle.

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